Minoritski samostan Olimje
Vrt zdravilnih zelišč
Dom duhovnih vaj - ROMARSKI DOM
Samostanska cerkev
Hvaljen moj Gospod za sv. Frančiška, ki nas uči ljubiti Tebe, ljudi in naravo
Pri skupni molitvi
Sam pred Bogom
Kratek oddih
Olimsko samostansko bratstvo
p. Franc - gvardijan (predstojnik) našega samostana
Čas izobraževanja in pogovora
Veselje, ko nas obiščejo bratje s Hrvaške
Veselje ob skupni mizi
Kremice za boleče sklepe
Čajčki in še kaj za ohranitev zdravja
Nekdo nam je poklonil mlado oljko, simbol miru
Z romarji v Asiziju
Prvo sv. obhajilo
Župnijski piknik
Hvala za obisk naše spletne strani

Near the river Sotla, under Mount Rudnica, not far away from the main road that connects Obsotelje with other towns in Slovenia and Croatia, lies a small village with a grand church and next to it, a monastery. It has long been known by the local inhabitants as Olimje. Each year, many local and foreign holidaymakers who stay at the Terme Olimia spa or Rogaška Slatina as well as hikers and pilgrims, come to visit this nearby spot. The Baroque church with the adjacent monastery leaves a big impression on them. The friary is inhabited and run by the friars of the Order of the Friars Minor Conventual (Minorites). Many visitors experience Olimje as a peaceful haven in the midst of the increasing rowdiness of our world. The religious find peace in silent prayer in front of the picture of Our Lady, nature lovers sit about idly on the benches outside the monastery and let the beauty of nature, God's creation, speak to them. Those with an illness stop by the medicinal herbs to look for "the right flower". Children stand around the pond and watch the fish swim about. And many people will stop for a chat with one of the friars and often there and then is where their souls find peace.
A warm Welcome from the Friars Minor Conventual in Olimje!